Come on over to Brooklyn Research this Monday for games, cocktails, and pizza!
BKR’s very own Summer Research group has created two new controller prototypes to gamify your kitchen experience, and we’d appreciate your feedback!
The PulpPad is a controller comprised of four juicers with interchangeable button mapping. For the playtest, we will have two PulpPads using the D-pad mapping to play StepMania, a DanceDanceRevolution simulator. Dance battle your friends and mix your own cocktails with freshly squeezed juice after you play!
The conROLLER is a rolling pin controller currently dedicated to single-axis games. For the playtest, we will be playing Galaga: roll the pin will move your ship left and right; stomp the foot pedal to shoot and activate the two food processors to grate cheese and blend tomato sauce. We’ll fire up our pizza oven, so come make your own pizza after destroying enemy ships!
Nick Wallace (NYU – ITP, MPS 2019)
Kathy Ching (NYU – IDM, BS 2020)
Nicole Cabalquinto (CUNY – City Tech, BS)
Huiyi Chen (NYU – ITP, MPS 2019).
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