What is a Research Group?


The key to a successful Research Group is the specificity of its terminating goals. Clearly and realistically defined goals are not only important for maintaining a focused trajectory, but are key to securing funding for the group’s mission.


Meetings are ideally held at Brooklyn Research with all group members physically present. Our belief is that in-person physical meetings offer a unique form of collaborative interaction.


A group has a core leader or co-leaders (Lead Researcher(s)) who are tasked with coordinating and structuring meetings, events, and the production of media. Group leadership can at the request of the Lead Researcher change hands if necessary in order to maintain the group with a new candidate(s) confirmed by majority vote.

How do you start a Research Group?

Before a Research Group can be established, it must first submit a proposal to Brooklyn Research’s Review Committee for approval. For a proposal to be submitted it must include letters of commitment from all members. This insures that the group has a foundation of commitment before funding is sought or secured.

If the proposal fails to be approved it will be returned with suggested changes for approval upon resubmission. Once approved the group should begin formalizing leadership roles and delegating.


Funding first or funding later? A proposal accompanied by a strong application for funding from a potential funding source is advised, but not necessary. The level of necessary funding will vary depending on the nature of the research being undertaken.

Funding Dependent

Some groups cannot function without initial funding. In this case a Research Group may be approved but have a status of pending funding. In this case a group may begin it’s foundational phase but is not required to hold meetings, events, or produce media until it is funded.

Funding Independent

Some groups may prove that minimal funding is necessary to begin work or they may carry direct funding sources from the group members. This could be self-funding or private or corporate donations solicited from the group members. Regardless, a minimum or proportional administrative fee will be included.

Research Proposal

A valid research proposal must be clear, concise, and with defined goals to the degree possible. For exploratory based groups these goals may be defined differently than proposals with distict end goals but still with language that can be qualified in successive evaluations.

Initial Members

An initial list of research members numbering no fewer than three (3) must accompany a proposal. Members accomplished in their field and professionally aligned directly or tangentially to the goals of the research group are asked to pledge support to the group through letters of commitment. All members commit to a length of time defined in the Research Group’s proposal.

Foundational Phase

During the foundational phase a group’s proposal has not yet been approved. Alongside the initially defined goal or scope is an extensive review of foundational material and media. This can take the form of a formal literature review and additional supporting media. The group’s members review and present the body of foundational material during the group’s foundational meeting(s). From here an informed review of the initial proposal is performed where goals and definitions may be revised and edited. Once the foundational phase is complete the proposal is finalized and submitted with references to foundational media and letters of commitment from the group members.

What criteria must a working group meet to maintain active status?


A Research Group must maintain regular meetings. A minimum frequency is once a month. Meetings are typically held at Brooklyn Research but can be held off site when necessary. All group meetings are recorded and archived in the form of video, audio, text transcript, or notes.


Research Groups must hold a minimum of two (2) public events per year. These are in addition to Quarterly Presentations which are also open to the public. One of these events must be a workshop, but can also include panel discussions, talks, lectures, demonstrations, or performances.


Research Groups must regularly produce publicly available media. This can be in the form of audio (podcasts) or video (YouTube) of events or Quarterly presentations. This can also include printed or digital publications of Quarterly Review material.

Quarterly Reviews / Quarterly Presentations

Four times a year a Research Group will submit an internal review documenting the group’s activity and progress. When necessary the review committee will offer recommendations or other insights. If necessary the committee may issue warnings that funding may be in jeopardy and suggestions for how to restructure the group’s activity.

Funding-specific Criteria

There may be criteria specific to terms of secured funding. These obviously need to be maintained to remain active, not only because the Research Group’s support depends on them but because the credibility of all groups at Brooklyn Research are impacted when funding-specific goals are not met.